Get your FREE digital copy of the Compass administrative task lists!
Total organization for your front desk team.
Total organization for your front desk team.
The videos in our curriculum are concise and detailed explanations of the administrative and clinical systems critical to a thriving practice. Check out this preview, and see what sets Compass video solutions above all others!
Click on any of the 16 chapters to see the videos and materials included in the Compass Video Program.
VIDEO: WELCOME! Introduction to the Compass Video Program
VIDEO: Dentistry 101: Getting Started
Dental Dictionary: A 75-page reference guide of clinical and administrative dental terms
VIDEO: Who Are You?
INTERNAL STUDY CLUB: What it is and Why it's important
VIDEO: Internal Study Club
COMPASS POINTS: Internal Study Club Guide and Checklist
DOWNLOAD: List of patient-friendly terms
HUDDLES AND MEETINGS: A brief foreword to this unit
VIDEO:THE HUDDLE: Making it Efficient and Effective
COMPASS POINTS: The Huddle: Making it Efficient and Effective
DOWNLOAD: Assistant's Huddle Sheet
DOWNLOAD: Hygienists' Huddle Sheet
DOWNLOAD: Admin Huddle Sheet (For teams who have administrators report during huddle)
VIDEO: UNRELIABLE PATIENTS: A strategy to prevent cancellations and no-shows (flagging them in the huddle)
COMPASS POINTS: UNRELIABLE PATIENTS: A strategy to prevent cancellations and no-shows (flagging them in the huddle)
VIDEO: Effective Team Meetings: A 7-Step Strategy
COMPASS POINTS : Effective Team Meetings companion guide
DOWNLOAD: Team Meeting Agenda Template
DOWNLOAD: Team Meeting Maintenance List
How To Start Your Day
DOWNLOAD: Administrative task checklists for every front office role
VIDEO: Hour of Power Strategy
COMPASS POINTS: Hour of Power Strategy companion guide
VIDEO: Downtime Checklists
COMPASS POINTS: Downtime Checklists companion guide
Downloadable Admin Checklist
Downloadable Hygiene Checklist
Downloadable Assistant Checklist
Why it's Important to Run and Understand these Reports
VIDEO: 9 Critical Reports Overview
COMPASS POINTS: 9 Critical Reports overview guide
DOWNLOAD: 9 Critical Reports Checklist
VIDEO: DAILY REPORTS: The 3 reports you should be running every day
COMPASS POINTS: 3 Daily Reports companion guide
VIDEO: WEEKLY REPORTS: Accounts Receivable
COMPASS POINTS: Accounts Receivable companion guide
COMPASS POINTS: Credit Balance companion guide
COMPASS POINTS: Recare companion guide
VIDEO: MONTHLY REPORTS: Outstanding Insurance
COMPASS POINTS: Outstanding Insurance companion guide
COMPASS POINTS: Adjustments companion guide
VIDEO: MONTHLY REPORTS: Outstanding Diagnosed Treatment
COMPASS POINTS: Outstanding Diagnosed Treatment companion guide
A Note about the Phone Skills Chapter
VIDEO: Phone Greetings for a Stellar First Impression
COMPASS POINTS: Phone Greetings for a Stellar First Impression
VIDEO: WRONG ANSWER: The voicemail mistake that turns away patients
COMPASS POINTS: WRONG ANSWER: The voicemail mistake that turns away patients
VIDEO: Virtual Office Tour: A strategy to bring in new patients
COMPASS POINTS: Virtual Office Tour: A strategy to bring in new patients
COMPASS POINTS: New Patient Phone Conversation Checklist and Language Guide (Use with video below)
DOWNLOAD: New Patient Information form (Use with New Patient Phone Conversation video below)
VIDEO: New Patient Phone Conversation
VIDEO: CANCELLATIONS: How to React When Patients Call to Cancel
COMPASS POINTS: CANCELLATIONS: How to React When Patents Call to Cancel
VIDEO: TRIAGING EMERGENCIES: How to React When Patients Call in Discomfort
COMPASS POINTS: TRIAGING EMERGENCIES: How to React When Patients Call in Discomfort
VIDEO: How to Handle Difficult Phone Conversations
COMPASS POINTS: How to Handle Difficult Phone Conversations
A word about the Collections and Billing section
VIDEO: Accounts Receivable
COMPASS POINTS: Accounts Receivable companion guide
VIDEO: What to do about Credit Balances
COMPASS POINTS: What to do about Credit Balances companion guide
VIDEO: Adjustments
COMPASS POINTS: Adjustments companion guide
VIDEO: Collecting from Every Patient, Every Time
COMPASS POINTS: Collecting from Every Patient, Every Time
VIDEO: Confidently Collecting on "Date of Service"
COMPASS POINTS: Confidently Collecting on "Date of Service"
DOWNLOAD: Financial Agreement form template
VIDEO: SENDING STATEMENTS: Preventing Past Due Balances from Adding Up
COMPASS POINTS: SENDING STATEMENTS: Preventing Past Due Balances from Adding Up
VIDEO: Scheduling Calibration Exercise
COMPASS POINTS: Scheduling Calibration Exercise
VIDEO: Block Scheduling Strategies
COMPASS POINTS: Block Scheduling Strategies
VIDEO: Managing Unreliable Patients in your Schedule
COMPASS POINTS: Managing Unreliable Patients in your Schedule
VIDEO: Strategy for a Full Schedule Tomorrow (free lunch today!)
COMPASS POINTS: Strategy for a Full Schedule Tomorrow (free lunch today!)
VIDEO: Unscheduled Treatment Strategy
COMPASS POINTS: Unscheduled Treatment Strategy
VIDEO: "Smart Scheduling" in Hygiene
COMPASS POINTS: "Smart Scheduling" in Hygiene
VIDEO: CONFIRMED APPOINTMENTS: Making sure patients show up
VIDEO: Outstanding Insurance
COMPASS POINTS: Outstanding Insurance companion guide
VIDEO: Proactive Insurance Verification
COMPASS POINTS: Proactive Insurance Verification
DOWNLOAD: Insurance Verification Questionnaire
VIDEO: YOUR FEES: How to review and raise them
COMPASS POINTS: YOUR FEES: How to review and raise them
THE NEW PATIENT PROCESS: Enhancing their experience with total team communication
COMPASS POINTS: THE NEW PATIENT PROCESS: Enhancing their experience with total team communication
VIDEO: The "Express Handoff": A system to steer patients past treatment concerns
COMPASS POINTS: The "Express Handoff": A system to steer patients past treatment concerns
DOWNLOAD: Express Handoff Slips (Download and use to communicate future treatment details)
VIDEO: Financial Agreement Presentation to Patients
COMPASS POINTS: Financial Agreement Presentation to Patients
DOWNLOAD: Financial Agreement Document
Planned Treatment Tracker
VIDEO: 3 Component Recare Strategy
COMPASS POINTS: 3 Component Recare Strategy
VIDEO: Recare Report
VIDEO: Reactivation and Inactivation: Keeping an updated, accurate patient base
COMPASS POINTS: Reactivation and Inactivation: Keeping an updated, accurate patient base
VIDEO: Managing Referrals to Specialists
COMPASS POINTS: Managing Referrals to Specialists
VIDEO: Asking Patients for Reviews and Referrals
COMPASS POINTS: Asking Patients for Reviews and Referrals
VIDEO: Hiring: A 5 -Step guide to finding the right people
COMPASS POINTS: Hiring: A 5-Step guide to finding the right people (companion guide)
Phone interview question and response form
Live interview question and response form
VIDEO: THE GRATITUDE JAR: Recognizing standout employees
COMPASS POINTS: THE GRATITUDE JAR: Recognizing standout employees
VIDEO: Achieving Goals by Moving Forward Together
Introduction: Why implement an in-house membership plan?
MEMBERSHIP PLAN COMPLETE COMPANION GUIDE: Download this complete "How-to" guide to reference as you watch the following videos.
PART 1 DOWNLOAD: HEALTHY ADULT MEMBER: Contract/Patient agreement with terms and conditions
PART 1 DOWNLOAD: ADULT PERIO MEMBER:Contract/Patient agreement with terms and conditions
PART 1 DOWNLOAD: CHILD CLUB MEMBER: Contract/Patient agreement with terms and conditions
PART 2 DOWNLOAD: BROCHURE EXAMPLE: Download this tri-fold brochure, use it as a template for designing your own
PART 3 DOWNLOAD: SPREADSHEET TEMPLATE: Create an excel spreadsheet with these fields to manage your in-house membership program
THE INTERNAL STUDY CLUB: Communication, Collaboration and Connecting the Dots in a Dental Practice
VIDEO: GET PAID! Three steps to creating solid financial agreements with patients
Financial Agreement Form
Consent to hold payment form
VIDEO: SAME DAY TREATMENT: Four steps for adding and organizing treatment in your schedule
Emergency Triage Form
THE CUE CALENDAR: A month-to-month to-do list for your dental practice
Downloadable Cue Calendar
VIDEO: FALL RECARE: Three steps to keeping your fall schedule full
First "Remaining Benefits" letter
Second "Remaining Benefits" letter
DID YOU ASK SAM (DYAS) 1: "How Does Culture Affect Employee Retention?"
DYAS 2: When the dentist asks, "Isn't it just better if I do it myself?"
DYAS 3: "How do I prevent turnover in my practice?"
DYAS 4: "What's one thing I can do to improve my practice?"
DYAS 5: "How do I remain productive without burning out?"
DYAS 6: "How does poor leadership affect the team?"
DYAS 7: "How can we improve our team meetings?"
DYAS 8: "How do we build appreciation between team members?"
DYAS 9: "What is one common hiring mistake in dental practices?"
DYAS 10: "How do we keep our team aligned throughout the day?" (The huddle!)
DYAS 11: "Which practice metrics should we be measuring, and when?"
DYAS 12: How to be rollin in the "green"
DYAS 13: :"'Can I have a Raise?' How much should we share about overhead?"
DYAS 14: "How can our practice prevent systems breakdowns?"
DYAS 15: "How do I run a more successful dental business?"
DYAS 16: "Implementing a bonus system: Good or bad idea?"
DYAS 17: '"Is this normal?' What are your statements saying to your patients?"
DYAS 18: HIRING: "How do we consistently hire successfully?"
DYAS 19: "How do I find a healthy work/life balance?"
DYAS 20: "How can we keep cancellations and no-shows from ruining the schedule?"
DYAS 21: "How can our practice avoid running behind?"
DYAS 22: "How should we react when patients say, 'It's too expensive!'?"
DYAS 23: Administrative task lists: A system for organizing the front desk
DOWNLOAD: Administrative master and individual task lists
DYAS 24: When the doctor talks too much
DYAS 25: ADMIN ORGANIZATION: "How do we help admin find more time for task work?"
DYAS 26: "How do we know if our fees are up to date, and how do we adjust them?"
DYAS 27: "Why is my accounts receivable ballooning?"
DYAS 28: "How do we improve our reputation online?"
Sign up for a month-to-month subscription, or join for a year and save $200.
$249.00 / month
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Meet Paolo Zapata, Compass user and already an admin rock star at Jobe Dental in Kansas City! See how the Compass Video Program is getting her up to speed.
"Samantha and I developed a great partnership quickly! She doesn’t just give you tools to take a practice to the next level, she is also very caring, supportive and always there when needed. Her videos are so helpful and I love how they are quick, concise and funny!"
-Cristina Leluga, Jobe Dental
How is your October schedule looking? If you realize the Covid-19 shutdown caused a massive hole in your fall schedule, check out this video and try Sam's 3-step approach to avoiding "SUCK"tober!
Receive our short webinars and recordings that address fees, scheduling, insurance, and more.
Compass offers totally customized coaching packages designed to meet your practice needs. From virtual training to on-site visits, your own Compass Advisor can help you reach your goals. Email [email protected] or call us at (602) 284-6168, so we can design the guided program that fits your vision and budget.
"Sam basically pretty much rebuilt this whole office."